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Equinox Photography

Nick Britton

From a very early age I was always interested in art  and I was always creating various forms of artworks, from pencil drawings,paintings to paper mache models at home and school.

A very early achievement for me, whilst at school was having one of my paintings featured on one of the local news program in the early1980s.

I continued my love for art into my adult life producing various forms of artwork along the way but with the advances in new technology and computers it was only natural for me to incorporate and use this in my artwork.


I  first started to use this new technology at its very early stages of its development and step by step the progression it has made over the last few years has been incredible.

From the devolopment of  early editing programs to the use of graphics tablets its development has allowed even the most basic editing available and accessible to everyone.

I will say at first it was a little strange and disorientating trying to get used to using a graphics tablet,mouse and computer screen all at the same time.

Its very different to say using a pencil or brush like a traditional artist, but  gradually over time and with plenty of practice and patience it soon became second nature to me.

When I'm producing my digital artwork, several techniques are used to get the various effects that you see in my images.

Some of these techniques involve creating special custom brushes like cloud and grass brushes along puppet warping parts of the image to get the desired effects


When manipulating my artwork, I use either my own images from my stock files or images that have been sourced from various online stock sites such as Deviant Art.

Whilst my main form of art is now mostly digital I still occasionally produce artwork  using the more traditional methods of pencil or paintbrush.

So what is Digital Art ?

Digital art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process.

Since the 1970s, various names have been used to describe the process, including computer art and multimedia art.

Digital art is itself placed under the larger umbrella term new media art.


Digital art can be purely computer-generated  or taken from other sources, such as a scanned photograph or an image drawn using vector graphics software using a mouse or graphics tablet.


The famous "Pop Art "artist Andy Warhol created digital art using a Commodore Amiga where the computer was publicly introduced at the Lincoln Center, New York in July 1985.

An image of Debbie Harry was captured in monochrome from a video camera and digitized into a graphics program called ProPaint.

Warhol then manipulated the image adding colour by using flood fills.

Digital visual art consists of either 2D visual information which is then displayed on an electronic visual display these can then be printed on to paper 

Nick Britton


How did it all begin ?

The Digital Artist
About Me
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